Chappar Phaadke!
When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true.
- Alchemist
Amazing are the ways of God by which life moves ahead, with all its twists and turns. I had completely given up hope in a good future (and the grand European dream) with the screwed up history repeating itself. But fortunately good things also repeat and actually some of it did, in a more magnified form. Some nice people from Barclays Capital came and found a few of my skills, which I was unaware of, to be of real good value. It was hard to believe for that day about a summer in London. But I guess it is one of those launch pads of opportunity which when you get, you just cannot afford to lose anything out of it!
Now.. there is some hope and hope is perhaps the best of all things. I have once again started to feel that the appearences of things in this world are illusionary. You never know the real almightly bolts hidden deep down there. The waves roll and toss things over the suface in the ocean, but deep within is the infinite calmness. If that depth can be found, its better to stay there. Getting confused with so many intriguing and glittering things around will give a loser feeling all the way. Don't lose your grip on the Dreams of the past, you must Fight just to keep them alive!
Well, structuring role at Barclays Capital, London - the blondes :), the city, the things ridiculously costly.. and above all shitloads of work!
Now.. there is some hope and hope is perhaps the best of all things. I have once again started to feel that the appearences of things in this world are illusionary. You never know the real almightly bolts hidden deep down there. The waves roll and toss things over the suface in the ocean, but deep within is the infinite calmness. If that depth can be found, its better to stay there. Getting confused with so many intriguing and glittering things around will give a loser feeling all the way. Don't lose your grip on the Dreams of the past, you must Fight just to keep them alive!
Well, structuring role at Barclays Capital, London - the blondes :), the city, the things ridiculously costly.. and above all shitloads of work!