Sunday, May 01, 2011

Random walks in holy spaces

You certainly have the right for prescribed activities but never at anytime in their results.
- Bhagavad Gita (2:47)

Desire is the root cause of all suffering.
- Gautama Buddha

On the face, all of these words appear to be pure shite! May be religious ways to fool people or a loser's instinct. If not for the results, I wouldn't have done the things. Whatever I do, desire leads me to do it. These teachings are not even meant for hedging emotions for expectations, in a way - If things go well, I'll eat the cake and be happy. If things go bad, I'll try to listen to the above. What they teach is something which goes very very deep.

We always try to seek the good (pleasure and comfort) and avoid the bad (pain and discomfort). The mind always thinks in a relativistic manner. Life moves in positive if environment arranges for only the good or the mind thinks of things as good. Same is the reverse case. By the laws of nature, existence of pleasure or comfort is impossible without the existence of pain or discomfort. Its just the two sides of the coin and the whole emotional roller-coaster ride is the flipping of mind between the good and bad. So, is it a zero-sum game or a completely random process? Both will be far from the meaning of life. Lord Krishna and the great Buddha settle down this problem.

Waves roll over the surface of the ocean. Every single high is followed by a low and no low fails to get back to a high. But deep down within there is perfect calmness. Desire and comfort remain at the surface. They will be driven by the circumstances and each tide, good or bad, will be followed by the other. The heart might get full with ecstasy or it might get wrung by hands that don't hear any cry. But deep inside is the true spirit of humankind. The bonding of true relationships, the search of a free mind for God, oneness with all of nature, unfolding of the purpose of life, ... All of these are unshakable and this is where the teachings show the way. All the worldly things remain the same, just the understanding changes. Mind doesn't consider only the tip of the iceberg on the waves... but the floating iceberg in a tiny part of the top of an entire ocean. The understanding of the game-plan of God can give the most solid support to stand on. Right now, I can just try to think. To map this in real life and make the mind free is a journey worth lifetime :)


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