Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Life as usual..

Three days .. no visits anywhere.. no parties.. nothing really special going on :(
some routine monotonous algo running for a few days...
wake up in the morning - ditch having a bath everyday saying that tomo will be better - hurry the breakfast with something simplest to eat.. chocolates! - go and then a little lukkha - then more lukkha - come back for lunch - then try hard on the problem only to find that the earlier way cannot work and try for a new way .. - prof may come.. then just tell a few little efforts you made and he seems happy.. have a little chat.. - then 5.30 and Yo.. timeup, nobody is there in the group - roam around somewhere like a floating cloud.. on the koenig street?, then come back and make dinner along with all the iit guys here.. ditch muggin the wordlist saying that there is still enuf time.. then at nightwalk and sort of back to the room only to eat something more and off to sleep!
Well now.. tomo having a party in our group!.. donno for what.. where..
anyway.. read few of the William Wordsworth poems, they are just to make you happy :)


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