Friday, March 23, 2007


Dassi had the manhattan card and so we could watch any movie at INOX last night at half the rate. Actually we wanted to watch 300 (me for the second time :P), but since 300 is having a crazy time we were left with only one non-boring-movie option and it turned out to be brain damaging experience. Mel Gibson has come up with this most brain-dead and offensive movie I would have never imagined. Within the first few minutes itself I could see a good number of people leaving the hall, who could not suffer more from those extreme scenes. It showed the horrendous culture of a Mayan civilization and all I could make out from the movie was - We need to maintain peace on this beautiful planet where we live. May be such a brutal epic alone can show the superimportance of non-violence.
To all the calm, happy and good people - Please do not watch this lunatic creation of Mel Gibson.

O God, Let this world be a nice and beautiful place to live in.. forever!


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